Faculty and Staff

陳祖龍Chu-lung Chen  教授Professor

  • Jurnal Papers

    1. S. Yin*, M. Lu, C. Chen, and F. T. S. Yu, 1995, vol. 20(12), “Design of a bipolar composite filter by a simulated annealing algorithm,” Optics Letters, pp. 1409-1411. EI & SCI
    2. M. Lu, S. Yin*, C. Chen, and F. T. S. Yu, 1996, vol. 35(9) “Optimum synthesis of a bipolar composite reference function with a simulated annealing algorithm,” Optical Engineering, pp. 2710-2720. EI & SCI
    3. S. Yin*, C. Chen, and J. Cheung, 1996, vol. 13, “Using optical particle image velocimetry for the nondestructive measurement of the single cell contractile force,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 31-35. EI & SCI
    4. C. Chen*, S. Yin, J. Li, F. Yu, J. Cheung, X. Zhang, X. Lei, Z. Wu, 1998, vol. 9, “Use of a fiber glass optical system to measure the contractile characteristics of a single isolated muscle cell,” Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, pp. 287-289. EI
    5. C. Chen*, J. Fang (大學生), 1999, vol. 8-4 “Equal correlation peak optimization on joint transform correlators,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks, pp. 237-241. EI NSC88-2815-E-155-005-E
    6. C. Chen*, J. Fang (大學生), 2000, vol. 178 “Cross-correlation peak optimization on joint transform correlators,” Optics Communications, pp. 315-322. EI & SCI NSC88-2815-E-155-005-E
    7. C. Chen*, J. Fang (大學生), S. Yin (教授), 2000, vol. 26 “Optimized synthetic aperture radar image detection with nonzero order joint transform correlators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 312-316. EI & SCI NSC88-2815-E-155-005-E
    8. C. Chen*, 2000, vol. 9-2 “Joint transform correlators with minimum correlation peak variance,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks, pp. 87-90. EI NSC89-2215-E-155-001
    9. C. Chen*, 2000, vol. 182 “Minimum-variance nonzero order joint transform correlators,” Optics Communications, pp. 91-94. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-001
    10. C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2001, vol. 112(3) “Synthetic aperture radar image recognition by constrained joint transform correlators,” Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, pp. 125-130. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-001
    11. C. Chen*, 2001, vol. 29(3) “Correlation peak variance minimization for nonzero order joint transform correlators in noise,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 190-192. EI & SCI NSC88-2815-E-155-008
    12. C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2001, vol. 48(8) “Nonzero order joint transform correlator with an optimized real-valued reference function,” Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 1329-1338. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-008
    13. J. Fang, S. Wang, C. Chen*, 2001, vol. 10(1) “Possible 3D pattern recognition with a nonzero order joint transform correlator,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks. pp. 49-55. EI NSC89-2215-E-155-008
    14. J. Fang, C. Chen*, 2001, vol. 40(10) “Chinese seal imprint recognition by joint transform correlators,” Optical Engineering, pp. 2159-2164. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-001
    15. C. Chen*, 2001, vol. 187 “Joint transform correlators with minimum peak variance in non zero-mean noise environment,” Optics Communications, pp. 319-323. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-00
    16. C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2002, vol. 32(2) “Optimal synthesis of a real-valued template for synthetic aperture radar pattern recognition,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 91-95. EI & SCI NSC89-2215-E-155-008
    17. C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2002, February, “Function designed to authenticate name seals,” Photonics Spectra, p. 48. EI & SCI (expanded)
    18. C. Wu, C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2002, vol. 33(5) “Constrained optimization for color pattern recognition with a non-zero order joint transform correlator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. pp. 385-388. EI & SCI NSC 90-2215-E-155-006
    19. C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2002, vol. 11(1) “Optimal design of a nonzero order joint transform correlator with a real-valued reference function for distortion invariant fingerprint recognition,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks, pp. 45-54. EI NSC 90-2215-E-155-006
    20. C. Wu, C. Chen*, J. Fang, 2002, vol. 214 “Linearly constrained color pattern recognition with a non-zero order joint transform correlator,” Optics Communications, pp. 65-75. EI & SCI NSC 90-2215-E-155-006
    21. J. Fang, C. Chen*, 2003, vol. 220 “Non-zero order joint transform correlator with multi-level quantized reference function,” Optics Communications, pp. 41-47. EI & SCI NSC91-2215-E-155-001
    22. W. Wu, C. Chen*, 2003, vol. 37(5) “Color blindness plate recognition with a YIQ multi-channel non-zero order joint transform correlator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 343-347. EI & SCI NSC91-2215-E-155-001
    23. C. Wu, C. Chen*, 2003, vol. 42(6) “Performance comparison between multi-channel polychromatic and conventional joint transform correlators,” Optical Engineering, pp. 1758-1765. EI & SCI NSC91-2215-E-155-001
    24. C. Chen*, C. Wu, 2003, vol. 50(9) “Polychromatic pattern recognition using the non-zero order joint transform correlator with cross-correlation peak optimisation,” Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 1353-1364. EI & SCI NSC 90-2215-E-155-006
    25. C. Chen, C. Chen*, C. Lee, C. Chen, 2004, vol. 231 “Constrained optimization on the nonzero order joint transform correlator constructed with the Mach-Zehnder configuration,” Optics Communications, pp. 165-173. EI & SCI NSC92-2215-E-155-001
    26. C. Chen, C. Chen*, 2004, vol. 41(3) “Decrease of sidelobe energy by shifts in original training images for synthetic aperture radar image recognition,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 241-244. EI & SCI NSC92-2215-E-155-001
    27. C. Chen*, W. Chang, 2004, vol. 42(1) “Face recognition with transmissive liquid crystal panels,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 31-34. EI & SCI ( NSC92-2215-E-155-001
    28. C. Chen, C. Chen*, C. Lee, C. Chen, 2004, vol. 42(3) “Color face recognition with liquid crystal spatial light modulators,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 234-237. EI & SCI NSC93-2215-E-155-001
    29. C. Chen*, W. Wu, 2005, vol. 244 “Color pattern recognition with the multi-channel non-zero order joint transform correlator based on the HSV color space,” Optics Communications, pp. 51-59. EI & SCI NSC93-2215-E-155-001
    30. C. Chen*, C. Chen, 2005, vol. 52 “Modification of training images for the optimisation of the nonzero order joint transform correlator,” Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 21-32. EI & SCI NSC 93-2215-E-155-001
    31. Y. Lin, C. Chen*, 2006, vol. 15(1) “Nonzero order joint transform correlator based on the Mach-Zehnder structure with multi-level quantized reference functions,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks. pp. 21-28. EI NSC94-2215-E-155-004
    32. C. Lee, C. Chen*, 2006, vol. 15(2) “Synthetic aperture radar pattern recognition by a nonzero order joint transform correlator with Mach-Zehnder configuration,” Optical Memory and Neural Networks. pp. 89-96. EI NSC94-2215-E-155-004
    33. C. Lee, C. Chen*, 2006, vol. 48(7) “A Mach-Zehnder nonzero order joint transform correlator for aircraft pattern recognition,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1290-1293. EI & SCI NSC94-2215-E-155-004
    34. Y. Lin, C. Chen*, C. Lee, 2006, vol. 266 “Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator with multi-channel quantized reference functions for color pattern recognition,” Optics Communications, pp. 111-116. EI & SCI NSC94-2215-E-155-004
    35. C. Lee, C. Chen*, 2007, vol. 49(7) “Color pattern recognition using image encoding joint transform correlator,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, pp. 1665-1669. EI & SCI NSC95–2221-E-155–081
    36. C. Lee, C. Chen*, 2008, vol. 55 “Colour pattern recognition based on a multi-channel Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator with multi-level quantized reference functions,” Journal of Modern Optics, pp. 409-422. EI & SCI NSC 96-2628-E-155-005-MY3
    37. C. Chen, C. Chen*, 2011, vol. 284 “A Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator with the simulated annealing algorithm for pattern recognition,” Optics Communications, pp. 3946-3953. EI & SCI NSC 99-2221-E-155 -057
    38. T. Chang, K. Panda, B. K. Panigrahi, S. Lou, C. Chen, H. Chan, I. Lin, and N. Tai, 2012, vol. 116 (37) “Electrophoresis of nanodiamond on the growth of ultrananocrystalline diamond films on silicon nanowires and the enhancement of the electron field emission properties,” Journal of Physical Chemistry C, pp 19867–19876. EI & SCI
    39. S. K. Jothiramalingam, S. Kunuku, S. Lou, J. Kurian, H. Chen, C. Lee, N. Tai, K. Leou, C. Chen and I. Lin, 2012, vol. 7 “Microplasma illumination enhancement of vertically aligned conducting ultrananocrystalline diamond nanorods,” Nanoscale Research Letters, 7:522. doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-522. EI & SCI
    40. H. Chen, I. Lin, S. Lou, C. Chen, R. Tang, W. Shih, S. Lo, L. Lin, C. Lee, 2013, vol. 31(2) “Microplasma enhancement via the formation of a graphite-like phase on diamond cathodes,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, pp 02B108-1 - 02B108-8. EI & SCI
    41. S. Lou, C. Chen, K. Teng, C. Tang, I. Lin, 2013, vol. 31 “Synthesis of diamond nanotips for enhancing the plasma illumination characteristics of capacitive-type plasma devices,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, pp 02B109-1 - 02B109-8. EI & SCI
    42. S. Lou, C. Chen, H. Cheng, I. Lin, 2013, vol. 529 “The role of nano-graphite phase on enhancing the plasma illumination characteristics of the diamond-coated inverted pyramidal cavities,” Thin Solid Films, pp 147–152. EI & SCI
    43. T. Chang, S. Lou, H. Chen, C. Chen, C. Lee, N. Tai, I. Lin, 2013, vol. 5(16) “Enhancing the plasma illumination behaviour of microplasma devices using microcrystalline/ultra-nanocrystalline hybrid diamond materials as cathodes,” Nanoscale, pp 7467-7475. EI & SCI
    44. K. J. Sankaran, M. Afsal, S. Lou, H. Chen, C. Chen, C. Lee, L. Chen, N. Tai, I. Lin, 2014, vol. 10(1) “Electron Field Emission Enhancement of Vertically Aligned Ultrananocrystalline Diamond-Coated ZnO Core–Shell Heterostructured Nanorods,” Small, pp 179-185. SCI
    45. S. Lou, C. Chen, S. Kunuku, K. Leou, C. Lee, H. Chen, I. Lin, 2014, vol. 32(2) “Development of diamond cathode materials for enhancing the electron field emission and plasma characteristics using two-step microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process,” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, pp 021202-1 - 021202-9. SCI
    46. Chewei Chen, Chulung Chen, 2015, vol. 24(2) “Reduction of sidelobe energy by shifts in training images for the Mach-Zehnder joint transform correlator,” Asian Journal of Physics, pp 295-299.
    47. C. Chen, Y. Hsu, S. Fu, W. Liao, C. You,“Application of simulated annealing for color pattern recognition to hybrid optoelectronic joint transform correlator,” Advances in Image and Video Processing. (Accepted)

