
2022 International Christmas Party Information

We hope that your Mid-term examinations went well. As we begin the year-end festive season, the Global Student Association (GSA) YZU in association with the Global Office (GAO) YZU brings you an extravagant Christmas Party to celebrate warmth and happiness. This is a great opportunity for all to meet new friends from different cultural backgrounds. 

What can you expect on that day?

- Christmas Carol from YZU Singing Club

- Mouthwatering Food

- Lucky draw and gifts (Prizes)

And much more….



聖誕晚會活動資訊Detailed information can be found below:

  • 日期Date:December 22nd, 2022 (Thursday)
  • 時間Time:06:00pm-09:00pm
  • 地點Venue:Royal Palace 花田盛世築夢莊園 (320桃園市中壢區普忠路618號)
  • 報名費Registration:一人報名350台幣NT$350/student

折扣:兩個人一起報名只要600台幣(一個人300台幣) There will be a discount if you register with another friend (in 2), which is NT$300/each.

  • 人數限制Number Limited:200 people
  • Dress-code: Formal/Smart casual/Cosplay in Black, White and Red (Request: No shorts, No T-shirt, No slippers)

So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and register on the link below.

-   報名連結Link of Register: ... S2fJUclSS50N2sZw/viewform

-    最後報名時間Register before the deadline:December 15th, 2022 (Thursday), 12:00noon

請注意Please take note:

  1. 交通交通&免費 Free Transportation, Free Insurance
  2. 如果兩個人要一起報名(有打折),請兩個人都填google sheet,然後告訴我你們兩個人是一起報名的,才能打折。If you and your friend are joining the event together to enjoy the discount, both of you still need to register separately as we need to control the number of participants. After successful registration, please inform me who is your partner so we will reduce your fee accordingly. Only both filled-in forms will be considered successful registration.
  3. 完成報名後,GAO會寄信通知你報名成功,到時候請到全球事務處(R70208)找蕭小姐繳費。GAO will send out an email confirmation to students who successfully registered, then you can come to GAO(R70208) to pay the fees.

 要知道更多訊息,請追蹤For more information, please follow our GAO’s Instagram GSA’s Instagram.
