
2022 Fall Semester Welcoming Party Information

GAO X GSA is organizing the 2022 Fall Semester Welcoming Party-let's fall in pool of youth! on October 29th, 2022. We hope through this event, students can know each other’s from different countries and have fun with us. On this day, we are going on a trip to Sanxia Queen Town . GAO跟GSA要在10月29號舉辦2022秋季歡迎會,希望你們可以認識從不同國家來的學生,大家一起玩!


歡迎會資訊Detailed information can be found below:

-          日期Date:October 29th, 2022(Saturday)

-          時間Time:10:00am-06:00pm

-          地點Venue:三峽皇后鎮 (SanXia Queen Town) 

-          報名費Registration:一人報名300台幣NT$300/student

折扣:兩個人一起報名只要500台幣(一個人250台幣) There will be a discount if you register with another friend (in 2), which is NT$250/each.

-        人數限制Number Limited:110 people

-        報名連結Link of Register: ... KmFAy18f-7W1EZAw/viewform

-        最後報名時間Register before the deadline: October 16th,2022 (Sunday)

請注意Please take note:

  1. 交通免費&保險免費Free Transportation, Free Insurance
  2. 如果兩個人要一起報名(有打折),請兩個人都填google sheet,然後告訴我你們兩個人是一起報名的,才能打折。If you and your friend are joining the trip together to enjoy the discount, both of you still need to register separately as we need to control the number of participants. After successful registration, please inform me who is your partner so we will reduce your fee accordingly. Only both filled-in form will be considered successful registration.
  3. 完成報名後,GAO會寄信通知你報名成功。GAO will send out an email confirmation to students who successfully registered.
